Saturday 24 October 2015

Feel versus scores always a good debate

Today we ventured off to a venue that we have competed at with the RC but today was our first BD there.
OMG the talent was frustrating fantastic but also in a good way something to aspire to
Having competed at our first ever BD regional in the summer we were not put off by the posh pony warm ups. I just kept remembering that somehow we pulled off a decent 12th place in our Regional section, despite rider going a bit wonky and horse disliking the ornamental trees (but that’s another blog)
Today first test scores came out 68.75 uhmm I thought that’s ok we are staying with Mr consistent. Normal judge comments, we fidgeted the end halt and needed more FW stretch. But I had come out the test thinking he had run away with me a bit. I felt I was struggling to stay calm and relaxed in my own body so he wouldn’t yak against me.
Popped back into the warm up to try and get a deeper stretchy trot and canter to set us back up for the second test with more togetherness.
I came out the second test really pleased with our start middle and end, thought I had maintained my relaxation. Hindsight I probably reined it in too much in the second test and should have just kicked on for the same activity I had in the first test. Alfie can go into tight necked race horse mode if I ask for too much but also at the other end of the scale it can be a fine between under control and being boring. The scores went up, yes a different judge, a different perspective, but, oh dear here comes deflated me with my 64.04%. Where had all my 6.5 and 7s gone?
How did I not feel the quarters swinging down the first CL and certainly didn’t feel like we were on the forehand in his second canter. Couldn’t see either on the video play back, but that was being taken on angle at the arena corner so a different view from what the judge was seeing.  We all know that a Judge at C and a Judge at H and a Judge at E can all have different views of the same move.

My advice. Always look at the bigger picture. No rosette this weekend but I have been on a good roll lately with scores staying reasonably consistent with not too many bloomers.

I am a competitive Amateur that for one reason or the other has let her core and general position get sloppy. Having a super dressage horse in the making has made me realize I need to buck up and step up. I can’t ride him like an Amateur I have to believe I can ride him like a pro and the results will start to shine through.
Confidence is a marvelous thing but when you lose it it’s a bitch to get back !!!
I am very competitive but have learnt not to take the knocks so personally.
I have always used a spreadsheet to track and look back at my horse’s feed/behaviour/work load. Having had tricky horses this has been an absolute must. To be able to look back and see what we did a month/a year ago was an invaluable tool I was able to track trends, see the bigger picture and resolve issues.
I decided to do this for my competitions this year logging results and comments so that I can look back. It has helped me see how far we have come in a short time together.

Confidence is starting to return. Which means I can sit her looking at all the positives from today instead of lingering on the bits that didn’t quite go to plan. 

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