Thursday 3 December 2015

November Catch Up with a few Mumaathel outings

November has been jam packed for myself and Alfie.

As the wind starts to blow the leaves and helicopters off the trees my mornings and weekends have been spent raking up the fields so the horse's don't eat any of those horrid poisons.
When we notice more helicopters than we can handle at any one time blowing onto the fields we add a dose of Charcoal to the feeds to help mop up any toxins that might get into their system. 
Dad kindly paid for all the paddock trees to have a much needed trim back this year. I have noticed such a big difference. I feel so much happier and more confident that my fields are a much safer place for the horses to be. 


          Outfit Blog on FB 

We have been showing off some of our fab outfits from Premier Equine. We have been so lucky winning such a massive competition. The full wardrobe for myself and Alfie has been a really fantastic early Xmas Pressie. Both me and the horses only get a new wardrobe when friends give us clothes they no longer want / need or if we can find bargain discount brands to buy. So to get a full brand spanking sparkling new wardrobe for us both was an absolutely smashing surprise.

Alfie decided to help the farrier again this month by taking his front shoe off. 
Luckily only a day's wait before new shoes were due. 
So on went the boot just to make sure no bruising occurred.

We had a bit of a scary moment  one day when stray happy birthday helium balloons landed in the field next door. A lot of snorting and running around but luckily no accidents/injuries to horses or fencing.
******** Did you know Helium is an irreplaceable element used for MRIs

Started our new walking routine with hubby (without Alfie). Just once a week round the village after work. But it was a good excuse to pop into the Sports Direct Sales and treat myself to some walking boots and his n hers florescent jackets. 
Xmas pressies sorted. Gosh we know how to treat ourselves ahahhahahahhaaaaahhha

My car was broken into so that meant November was a tad expensive with a new back window unit needed for my car. Luckily Dad let me use the Terrano to get to work so I didn't need to hire a car. Still really annoying, why anyone would go onto a private drive that has a security light on, and have the nerve to smash and grab whilst the residents were in. They didn't get my handbag but they got a bag with my diary in it which I live and breath by. The bag also had a few personnel details within some of the paperwork as I had been sorting out the house insurance that day. Then I realized they had got away with my vouchers Alfie had won at various shows. No value to anyone else but to me over £100 of vouchers towards entries I was about to send off. 
Although I had to go through all the worry and panic, November has been a very lucky month. The bag was thrown over a garden wall down a local footpath and thanks to a plea on facebook I got the bag and its contents back. All a bit soggy from the downpours but once dried out all the vouchers were still use-able. PHEW

When I added up how much the Stromsholm vouchers were worth I was speechless. 
Clever Alfie only managed to win a new outfit for me hubby and dad, as well as a few items for his hoof care. 

As part of the Legupfortalent Scheme we are given a Renapur pack of goodies. 
I have been spraying all my leather with RenaSan due to the damp mould starting to settle around the stitching. 
A few blasts of the spray and we bid farewell to the mould. 
With dark evenings preventing me from riding all my tack has had some much needed TLC and my boots have had a good buff with Renapur to add a much needed waterproof layer. 

One boot may be black and the other brown but no one will notice in the dark 
Hubby laughs 'cause I have a cupboard full of odd boots. well the collection has paid off, I have made a new 'old' pair. Every penny saved = more pennies for pony playtime.

Alfie has been busy competing gather RoR League points
We had our final draft run through of our new DTM floorplan at the RoR clinic. Can't wait to get my finished CD back from Amanda Birch Dressage Music
We have been out attempting the odd Novice test Unaffiliated with some lovely comments from the judges. 

We had a few Racehorse moments at our last BD comp of the year. Luckily we didn't need those last minute regional points. Wasn't quite the high we wanted to leave 2015 with but its all good experience.
Mr A was struggling more than normal with his straightness so being unsettled generally created tightness in both tests. I was quite hard on myself and Alfie in the warm up as things werent going to plan, but we did stick to the plan, just about, and found some togetherness eventually. Although we never truly secured the confidence through into the contact. 
After the show we watched the Video (such a valuable tool). It wasnt all that bad, some good work on the left rein and some good canter work. I reminded myself we had a 3rd and 4th at the same venue the week before. So I told myself If I end a bad day on 64% that's not exactly disastrous... Just feels like it when you are there at the time and that horrid free walk jig jog reappears after a long absence!! 

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