Monday 29 February 2016

Saddles for Feb Dressage

We went off to meet our Saddler at Padbury. As I am not the straightest of humans I like to use one of my instructors when looking at changing or altering saddles. Because Louise rides everyday and rides many different horses she has a better feel than I do of what is going on underneath her. 
Three saddles and mine to have a look at. 
The Fairfax didn't sit well so we didn't try that one ridden. 
The Harry Dabbs was a reserve to try in case the Albion didnt work. 

We tried the Albion before we looked at adjusting my own Crown Saddle. It just look so much better on him we rode in that one first. Straight away Alfie lifted and stretched his shoulders with an impressive stride length.

We went back into my old my saddle just to make sure a new one was the right decision. A new saddle it was. Alfie looked uncomfortable and tight almost unsound on the right hind using his old saddle 

28.02.16 We went off to Threeways to join the Katie Johnston Clinic and to show off our new saddle
Hindsight is a marvelous thing. 
My poor boy has been trying to tell me something wasnt right. Over the last few weeks enough was enough, he was looking on/off lame and generally uncomfortable.
What a difference a saddle change makes.

The changes were too late for the Regionals but omg it just goes to show how much he tried his heart out on that day.

The day before the lesson we took Alfie to a show but we had a lot of teeth grinding, the only difference to the lesson was a very thin half pad. I thought I was doing the right thing using a half pad to soften the feel over his back whilst he was a little sore but he must like the closeness of the correctly fitting saddle.
In the lesson no half pad just simple saddle cloth and new saddle and he was a great; no grinding, no lameness, positively reactive and listening to the rider's aid and straight.

Rider now needs to learn how to ride in new saddle which is very straight cut with not a lot of knee roll. But it makes my legs look longer and makes me sit up and stay quieter.
Looking forward to next weeks competition .....
N22 here we come.

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